Approved PTS Devices

PIN Transaction Security (PTS) devices are used by a merchant at the point-of-interaction for capturing payment card data and validating approval of its use for a transaction. The Council, via PCI Recognized Laboratories, validates the conformance of PTS devices to the PCI PTS standard and provides a list of approved devices. The Council urges merchants to use approved PTS devices in their payment environments. Some payment brands require the use of approved PTS devices; entities should contact their acquirer or the payment brands directly for information about such requirements.
Please review the legal conditions and restrictions regarding PCI PTS approval contained in the PTS Device Testing and Approval Program Guide.
Devices with Expired Approval - These are devices whose approval has expired as delineated in the Expiry Dates section of the PTS Device Testing and Approval Program Guide. For specific information regarding payment brand usage mandates for expired devices, please contact the payment brand(s) of interest.
Effective 30 April 2014 version 1 EPP and PED devices; effective 30 April 2017 version 1 UPT devices and version 2 EPP and PED devices; effective 30 April 2019 version 1 HSM devices; effective 30 April 2021 version 3 POI devices; effective 30 April 2022 version 2 HSM devices; effective 30 April 2024 version 4 POI devices are listed separately here.
Do you need guidance on device compliance?
PCI Recognized Laboratories are organizations that have been approved by the Council to conduct security evaluations on a range of product types, both hardware and software. For device vendors and manufacturers, the labs perform device testing to validate compliance to the PIN Transaction Security requirements and, to facilitate the evaluation process prior to actual testing, offer guidance on device design and compliance assessments.
Find a PCI Recognized LabFind a PIN Transaction Security Device
When a firmware version reaches the end of the expiration year the expiration date in the approval listing will change color to Orange; when the firmware version has gone past the window for re-evaluation and approval, the expiration year will change color to Red. Details can be found in the Testing and Approval Program Guide.